Thursday, August 7, 2008


Last autumn, while I was locking up my bike at the Lawrence Arts Center, I happened to glance at a nearby shrub and I saw this note on the ground beneath it:

It was such an interesting message that I had to pick it up and take it home. Was the recipient named Noodles? Were they making lunch plans? Opening a restaurant? I just couldn't figure it out. Anyway, since then, it's become a saying around our house, and has spread to our friends as well. We use it in several ways, like "you've got to be kidding," or "you are so strange but I love you anyway." And if we're having noodles for dinner, it's a given that someone has to say it. The possibilities are endless.


  1. i LOVE this story! it's become part of our noodle routine, too.
    and every time i pass a noodle place i want to shout this at the diners.

  2. What a great story. Found would love it too!

    I love found things as well. I had a sweet grocery list on my refrigerator that I found in a cart in the store that was written by a child. Also, we had this sweet but sad note that we found on our door in NJ when a child had lost its budgie, complete with a drawing that looked like a jellybean with wings.

  3. I love Found, too. Do you ever listen to "This American Life?" Davy Rothbart had a heartwrenching story in this episode a few weeks ago...

  4. I love This American Life! Philly and I went to see Ira Glass when he came to Richmond, and we saw the live simulcast of the TV show this season. I will check out the podcast ...

    I can't wait to see your bulletin board! And I will eventually get to posting my crazy chandelier. Just yesterday, Sarah said, "Every time I come here it gets bigger!"

  5. this is such a funny story! i do this too!
    love your blog, by the way!

  6. hee hee, i'm just chuckling over here! :)

    i can see you & E. saying that too, sweet and cute! that is such an interesting story and i love that you picked it up and it's stuck with you.

    maybe it was a kind of guerilla art?
