Monday, August 18, 2008

Phone Message

Since my studio is at home, my daughter has learned that when I'm on the telephone with a client, she needs to be politely quiet until the conversation is finished. Now that she's learning to read and write, she jots down notes and hands them to me while I'm talking. This one cracked me up more than usual:

Translation: "It is not going good. Yikes! Love, E"

She was frustrated with a drawing she was working on, but we worked through it. That was an easy problem to fix. Some of the other dilemmas that happen while I'm on the phone? All I can say is, "Yix!"


  1. i can just picture her with those cute little glasses hunched over her drawing and writing this sweet note to you!

  2. wait,,, E. has glasses now? adorable.

    sometimes i wish we could just hold up a sign like this, instead of having to say anything, and then people would just know. yix!
