Friday, September 5, 2008

Your Cover's Blown

My friend, Aimee, artiste and blogger extraordinaire, tagged me last week with a blog award. I'm still kinda new at this blogging thing, but now it's my turn to share a few of the blogs by creative folks that I've been enjoying:

The Noticing Project, by the wonderful Heather Smith Jones and Alicia Alferman
Holli Conger, fellow children's illustrator and member of Maggie's group
• Holli's Big and Little Art blog for grownups and their artistic offspring
Mike Snell, travel photographer and fellow Callahan Creek alum
Barry Fitzgerald, also a fellow illustrator, and a professor at my alma mater, KU

So, tag – you're it! If you'd like to participate, please nominate your favorite blogs in return.


  1. can't wait to check out your nominees... hope you're enjoying your saturday :)

  2. thank you christy! this just made my evening :)

  3. Thanks, Christy! I've been enjoying your blog - the studio tour was especially great (so much stuff and yet so organized!). Looking forward to more.
