Sunday, June 15, 2008

An Expert Cat Draw-er

I had forgotten until recently how fun it is to learn to draw one particular thing. E learned how to draw a cat last week, and now there are little cat faces hanging all over the house and studio. There's even one above the real kitty's food dish. She has a certain method (whiskers are the last step) and is so proud when she finishes each one.

When they get to elementary school, it seems kids decide that learning to draw is all about mastering one subject at a time. When I visit schools, the students will quiz me and ask, "Can you draw a dinosaur? A robot? A queen?" and so on. They try to find something I can't draw. I'm not sure when I reached the point that drawing became a form of interpretation for me, rather than a skill to show off a list of subjects. Somewhere along the way, I guess. Anyway, I love watching E's repertoire grow.


  1. I love that she put one of the kitty pictures above the cat dish. I wonder if your cat recognizes itself? hee hee.

    I think it makes children feel confident in themselves when they draw a new thing over & over, don't you? :)

  2. she can draw a cat much better than i can!

  3. Yes, hrsj -- I think you're right. It's not quite so scary if you know how to get to the end product already. I find a blank piece of paper or canvas can be rather terrifying sometimes.
