Sunday, January 4, 2009

Night Owl

I can't help it — I've always been a night owl. About 8 or 9 o'clock at night, my brain suddenly kicks into gear, and I'm at my most creative and productive after dark. I make up for the sleep in the mornings (when I can), and that's how I survive. It flummoxed my parents (both VERY early risers) while I was growing up, and my daughter also seems to be of the bright-and-early persuasion. My husband is also a nocturnal person, though, so somewhere in those genes, I guess two earlies make a late, and vice versa. He and I stay up until the wee hours like shoemaker elves, working away, and have to remind ourselves go to sleep in order to be halfway cognisant when our child wakes up.

Anyway, tonight my husband pointed out this article to me in this month's Wired Magazine, which validates my habits, and those of many of my creative friends. It was nice to learn that my sleep tendencies might just be beneficial.

{And another thing about genetics — apparently, two quiet people also make a much louder one. :) }


  1. so, a good lesson on math here: two quiets make a loud, two lates make an early.

    i'm with you on the late night prowl, and i'm going to read that article right now.

    beautiful doodle :)

  2. I knew you would be up late with me, Aimee! :)

  3. Great article! Anything that makes me feel less bizarre for being a night owl is GOOD! :) Two quiets make a loud... I laughed out loud! I love your new comment page, by the way! Thanks for visiting my blog- you are a sweetheart!

  4. i love th way you combine colours, they are radiant!

  5. I'm right there with you Christy... sometimes it can feel so lonely to be up late while everyone else has turned in for the night... so next time I'll think of you and picture you working away right along with me!

  6. I love you . . . just as you are! Mom :)

  7. I checked out your blog via Nina's blog. Your illustrations are very fun. Love the little kids cleaning the teeth on your website!
